Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The power of a mid-day lunch

I took a break over lunch today to think about my project and lay out all of the drawings that I had in mind to use for our final. Below is the outcome of a one hour brainstorming session between myself, yes I talk to myself a lot, and a co-worker of mine that took some time to sit down with me and evaluate my design thus far. We also discussed what he saw from a "first glance" as being some of my stronger view points and drawings. I think that below is a good illustration of the direction that I will be taking over the next 13 days.


Mike said...


I really like the big perspective sketch in the middle of the page. It's got so much energy in it that it fits your dance/energy theme perfectly. I think you should extract that and give it a home somewhere on your final Concept Statement board, because it speaks volumes and needs very little annotation. It's almost Gehry-like in how it tells the how story of your composition. Nice job.

Curtis said...

Hello Kate,

What a beautiful sketch! It has emotion, I agree with mike, it tells a great story of your project, I think it also breaks up the rigid feeling that is associated with digital models and drawings.

What type of material have you been researching for the translucent walls? There is a company here in Salt Lake called 3-Form, which specializes in translucant structural glass. Basically they can put any kind of material inside this glass to make any pattern you want and then with any color of lighting only enhances it. You may already know 3 form, if not google it and check it out.

Thanks for the precedent referal to Jean Nouvelles, "Living wall in Paris" I had already been using that as a precedent, I think it fits perfect for what I am trying to do.

Your concept is strong and the images are always great to see.
